So after a trip to Copenhagen and Amsterdam last year, I heard nothing but "hygge" this, "hygge" that. And to be completely honest, I had NO CLUE WHAT IT WAS. Well, until a resident told me it was all about feeling calm, content, and cozy.
But let's get real – hygge is so last year. And according to Pinterest, Lagom is in.
Pinterest mentioned that searches for ‘lagom’ went up by 53% in the first three months of last year, and searches for ‘lagom design’ had risen by 68% in the six months previous.
Looks like Pinterest and Pinners are on to something, people. But, what the hell does Lagom actually mean?'s this easy:
"Not too much, not too little, juuuuust right."
SO, what are some ways to incorporate the Lagom trend into your lifestyle? Well, gosh darnit, I'll show ya!
Create a capsule wardrobe
The purpose of lagom is to live a less cluttered life. What better way to start than with your closet?! I definitely need to take this into consideration, but building a capsule wardrobe is a great way to get rid of unwanted clothing and replace it with pieces you absolute love (and can wear again and again). My girl Julianne over at The Wink has been doing this and I'm loving her clothing updates!
Take a GD break
How often have you found yourself getting to your desk around 9 a.m. and working well into lunch (or later!) without a break? Yeah, I'm guilty here too. But GUYS, it's not healthy nor productive to be so sedentary! Whether it's a 15 minute walk to grab coffee with your colleagues or even a little lunch workout, TAKE IT. I promise you'll be more productive afterwards and you'll thank yourself for such a nice breather.
Add green
What's a house without house plants? You're right – no house at all! Bringing in some green guys can do wonders for your mood and your space. Not only does it improves air quality, but also brings some of the great outdoors in! Annnnd, especially if you have a pretty modern space, plants give the room a bit of playful personality.