Local Spotlight: Vive La Tarte

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 presetScreen Shot 2016-03-31 at 5.48.43 PMScreen Shot 2016-03-31 at 5.49.03 PMScreen Shot 2016-03-31 at 5.49.20 PM Hi Everyone!

Happy Friday and happy April! It's no secret that I love coffee. And it's definitely no secret that San Francisco is home to a ton of good coffee. And especially cute coffee shops.

Yes, you have your SF staples: Jane, The Mill, Ritual, Blue Bottle. But what about the small guys and what about in areas tucked away?

I stumbled upon Vive La Tarte several months ago and was blown away. The door is fairly unassuming but when you walk a few steps further, you notice a massive garage-like space that's home to some unbearably cute plants, wooden stools and a "table" of sorts that's just begging to be photographed. Can you blame me?

Every time I go in (seriously, every time), I'm greeted by the nicest people. Baristas, cashiers, bakers – you name it. Vive La Tarte has some pretty solid recruiting.

They feature local produce, handcrafted baked goods and damn strong cup of coffee. How could you not love it?

Head on over to Vive La Tarte when you get a chance. Your tastebuds and your Instagram feed will be happy you did.
