Getting Dressed

IMG_9102IMG_9105IMG_9112IMG_9118IMG_9126IMG_9138IMG_9142IMG_9219 Dress: Nordstrom Rack | Belt: Cary Lane | Shoes: Old Navy | Jacket: Crossroads Trading

Hi Everyone!

For about the last 4 years, I've been a dress/skirt girl. I couldn't explain why, but wearing dresses and skirts just seemed...well, more easy.

For me, I liked a little breathing room and while I couldn't kick my legs around in fear of showing my underoos (that didn't stop me), I felt a bit more mobile. Besides, I loved the juxtaposition of pairing mini skirts with oversized sweaters and shirts and pencil skirts with crop tops that covered my bellybutton just enough. For me, it was all about proportions.

Over the last year, my love affair with pants begun. From culottes to raw hemmed to skinny, I saw so many trends and options out there that I couldn't choose just one favorite. Maybe this is out of laziness and the fact that shaving my legs seems like the least fun activity in the world. This also could be because pants (really) go with everything. So, also laziness. And if we're being honest, I just bought two near pairs of jeans from Asos and their sick sale (check it outttt).

But, on rare occasions – I throw on a dress, slide into my Old Navy mules and my girliness – even if it's for the night. :)
