Happy Birthday!










Hi Everyone!

Happy Tuesday! Hope you're having a killer day! So, give or take a few days, I celebrated my one year blog birthday of The Ohio Transplant. A few things I learned along the way:

1. Blogging takes work, but damn is it rewarding.

2. You meet a ton of people from all across the globe and even make a few amazing friends along the way!

3. Your style changes as quickly as the month. (I've cringed a few times looking back!)

4. Rotating and cleaning out your closet (cue Eminem) is essential. Thank you to my friends who literally force me to purge every so often.

5. Smiling > No smiling (just my preference!)

6. Supporting others in the blogging community is just as important as supporting yourself.

7. Try new styles...because, well...why the hell not?

8. Laugh, mess up, be awkward, work with different photographers, do your thang and never apologize for being you!

9. I was going to try to end at 10, but I think this could be combined. Be yo'self. I'm a PBR lovin', French Bulldog obsessed, fashion focused girl and I wanted to start a blog. One year later, i'm doing so and loving every minute.

Until tomorrow, y'all!


Photos via Jennymay Vallarete