Hi Everyone!
Happy Tuesday! Hope everyone is having a killer day thus far! As many of you know, I have two roommates here in San Francisco -- the lovely Rob and Andi. Both are absolutely amazing, but in the tradition (or beginning tradition) of my blog spotlight, I wanted to highlight the amazing blog from Andi, the appropriately named Polish My Crown.
Beginning almost three years ago, Andi has inspired friends, family, fellow bloggers and complete strangers with her inspirational posts, encouraging thoughts and positive words while all being honest and real. I find this hard to do as I feel many blogs come off too unrealistic, but Andi effortlessly maintains a sense of candidness at all times. Refreshing, especially in a time where life can be so uncertain, crazy and hard to deal with.
Not only is she an amazing writer, but a brilliant colleague, sister and friend. We've been friends ever since our first day in college and time and time again has she been there, with a willing ear to listen to when times get tough or surprising you with a cup of coffee for no particular reason -- just because.
I truly feel fortunate enough to have Andi in my life and her blog. I HIGHLY encourage you guys to check out her blog, Twitter and Instagram and send her some love!
Have an amazing day and until tomorrow!