
Jacket: F21 | Sweater: H&M | Dress: Target | Shoes: Lucky Brand | Hat: Random Hat Store Lucas is ruling a hell of thirds on this photo. HOLLER, BOI.

This photo looks SO unnatural and well, it is. Popping in to say haiiiiii.

In preparation to get BRO-Y.

I look so intimidating, right?




Hi Everyone!

Happy Thursday! Hope you are having a blast on this fine, fine day. So, this week I had the opportunity to go to the Giants game with my good friend Allie. For New Years, I made the resolution that i'd try to be increasingly more sporty. This meant understanding what the hell a ground double is or that there's an actual basketball team in San Francisco (sorry Golden State Warriors, I had NO idea).

Anyway, it's been a process and continues to still be one. However, when my friend Allie mentioned going to a Giants game, I jumped at the chance. That's right, ya'll. Aimee's chance to get #sporty.

Annnnd, I think i'm their bad luck charm because the Giants lost. 6-2. LE WOOF. Another woof moment is realizing that I stupidly wore a dress and was freezing my arse off from 9 p.m. on. But the hat is pretty badass, right?

Alas, it was a blast. Indulged in some fries, a beer or two (or several) from 21st Amendment and "woo-ed!" my way well into the evening.

Until tomorrow!


Photos by  Lucas Mayer