Hi Everyone!
Happy Monday and as we close in on April, what an amazing month it's been, eh? So you know that Gwen Stefani song when she sings "Time goes by, so slowly." Well, she was obviously VERY, VERY wrong. First, I hate that I just referenced a Gwen Stefani song and secondly, I hate that I actually really love that damn song.
Anyway, this has been a recuperating weekend as I've been battling a pretty gnarly cold for some time. I am, however, feeling on the up and the insanely great weather only helped my case!
Some exciting news to share to ya'll as well! As some of you know, I have a mild (okay, who am I kidding) LARGE obsession with dogs. I recently had the opportunity of putting my love of writing and dogs together to write for the Bay Woof, a local Bay Area dog publication that includes dog featured articles, reviews, city happenings and more. I was so jazzed to see my article published in print and my article "Sharing Is Caring With City Dog Share" will be online May 1st so check it out and let me know what you think!
Hope you all had a great weekend...any fun stories?
Until tomorrow!