Weekend Snapshots

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Hi Everyone!

Happy Monday! Apologies on not posting sooner, but it's been a weekend!

Saturday morning, I hosted my first ever event at Athleta! Thank you so much to Tricia for teaching and Shikha for making delicious treats! And, of course – for all of you who attended!

Afterwards, I went to my first ever class at ODC and it was. a. BLAST! After being awkward for an hour, I went to Southern Pacific and then caught the sunset at Ocean Beach with Court and Shiks, closing the night out with Indian food.

Sunday was spent touring Artis and their newest Hayes Valley location, doing majooooor spring cleaning at my apartment and taste-testing with Andi (read her post here) for The Taste of the Nation event coming up on March 26th! I'll be chatting about that this week, so stay tuned!

