Avon 39

320827_4858592189233_1139876040_n Hi Everyone!

Happy Thursday! Fitting how this post is on a Thursday, because I have a lot to be thankful for.

I'm thankful to live in a big city (mad love San Francisco), have an amazing job, wonderful friends and a great family. I'm especially thankful for this one above – my right hand lady, the most badass b on the block, my mom!

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post about my mom and her fight against breast cancer. This photo was in the midst of chemotherapy and she lost her hair (it's a wig), but not her will-power or drive. She's someone who I look up to the most. For guidance, laughter, career advice, you name it.

This has me come to the Avon 39. The 39 mile walk is a 2 day journey from San Francisco, through Marin and Sausalito to end Breast Cancer.

On July 11th and 12th, I will be one of those walking 39 miles to help end Breast Cancer and raise awareness. I know so many people whose lives have been affected by this terrible disease.

With that being said, i'm hoping to raise $1,800 dollars with all donations going to help breast cancer awareness and tackling this head on!

I'd love for y'all to help me in my journey (even if it's something so small!) so all of us together can make a big change.

To donate, here's my page.

