Weekend Snapshots

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Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone is having a great beginning of the week! I'm back in Ohio and feeling so excited for the next week ahead! I can't wait for plenty of rest and good food – a perfect time to be home, eh?

One wakeup call coming back to Ohio? The weather. I must say, we're pretty spoiled in San Francisco.

The past week was great and a fabulous way to close out 2014. On Monday, I indulged in my two favorite things – beer and cheese. Surprisingly, I have never been to Mission Cheese until Monday, but i'm so damn happy I did. The idea was that each beer had it's own cheese pairing. Unfortunately, my love of cheese got the best of me and I ate all the varieties before the second round of beer. Oops!

Wednesday was spent celebrating Sarah's birthday at Source, went ice skating with the Vayner gang on Thursday. It was definitely a pretty ideal week.

