Hi Everyone!
Happy Thursday! So, I always joke that Thursday is the most thankful day of the week, but in preparation of my upcoming trip to Chicago tomorrow to celebrate my best friend Emily's birthday, I wanted to do a little personal shout out today and try something a little different for The Ohio Transplant.
You know those people who just no matter what get you, support you, and well...love you unconditionally even when you're being a total idiot? That's definitely Emily for me and I seriously feel so lucky to have her in my life! I feel like it's pretty rare to find people like that in your life and I realize now that when you do -- hold on to them. It'll be the best investment you've ever made.
So, maybe a little sappy but I simply can't wait to go to Chicago (TOMORROW!) and spend time with Emily, Sam and freeze my ass off.
Until then, Em -- happy birthday! You're the best friend a gal could ask for.