Weekend Snapshots

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Hi Everyone!

Happy Monday! Hope you had a great weekend. This one was waaaaaaay less chaotic and crazy than last weekend's move-in. While I made the trek to Ikea again (le sigh), I also spent it with friends (old and new!) and had a somewhat normal weekend.

Friday I had the opportunity to attend CHEFS SummerTini Gala. Thirty restaurants and bars from all over the Bay Area came to support ECS programs and it was absolutely spectacular. Being a major foodie, I was so excited to see some of my favorite SF haunts. From Lar Mar and 4505 Meats to Magnolia and Ketel One, we sipped and noshed while the legendary Leslie Sbrocco emceed! It honestly was one of the more amazing nights in San Francisco all for a good cause.

Saturday was HushFest at Ocean Beach. A little out of my comfort zone but so fun. How can you beat a silent disco?

Sunday was spent soaking up the sun and getting our apartment together – slowly but surely. Can't wait to share with y'all soon!
